I am FIVE.


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I AM F I V E . April marks 5 years that I have been a Christian in deed rather than just in talk. It makes 5 years since I decided that I really wanted to give Jesus a shot. Depression, rejection, and insecurity were no longer my portion. The overwhelming need to love someone was not only met, but reciprocated. If I had to describe what I was like before April 2011, it would be: LOST. I needed something that I couldn't give myself, so I sought The One who could. What started off as a passage here & a prayer there grew into a genuine encounter with God Himself. It grew into me staying up until 10 a.m. researching Biblical concepts & basking in peace. It grew into me literally gaining security and embracing my identity.

Progression and self-awareness are both positive things, so I have no understanding of why Christianity contributing to that is looked down upon. Some people practice yoga and become 'better'. Some people meditate and become 'better'. I happened to have read the Bible and became better. No 'white man' gave me this religion. Granddad nor daddy were preachers. Grandma nor mama forced me to go to church. I have not been programmed to the European portrayal of Christianity. I willingly made a choice to wholeheartedly follow God after He made Himself known to me. Knowing God helped me to truly know myself.

I am "woke" and a worshiper. I am Black and a believer. I am conscious . . . and Christian. All the things that the 'awakened' may have told me I couldn't be. 

I am not Christian in spite of my roots, but because of them.

Contrary to popular opinion, Christianity and consciousness can coexist. It is not an oxymoron. To be conscious is to be aware. However, if the information you've gained does not produce application, it has failed. Knowledge is confirmed by practice. One cannot claim consciousness if their natural reaction is to shun anyone that believes differently as they do.

Conscious and Christian's purpose is to bridge the gap that separates the two. Evangelism meets Apologetics and creates an atmosphere to break all barriers attached to Christianity. Because being Pro-Black and conscious is a trend for some, there is an abundance of misinformation that is spreading rapidly by those who claim to be aware but are yet asleep. Therefore, we choose to not only defend our faith, but to also provide the necessary tools and resources for others to do the same.

This serves as notice that the direction of following blog posts will be changing. Thank you!

Conscious and Christian,


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